Monday, 6 October 2008

Beautiful Africa is ready for its 10th edition!

After a short break, the Beautiful Africa carnival is up and running again, so start collecting those posts again! If you want to help us out, feel free to recommend other Beautiful Africa posts, so that we can make this uplifting carnival come alive - big time! With all the negative publicity going on about Africa's misery and incapabilities, Africa needs a page that shows the other side of the coin: the Beautiful Africa that we all love so much!

Posts can submitted here. You have up until the end of October! :-)

Greetings from Zinder, Niger!


Szavanna said...

Thanks Ishtar! So nice to see you back with a post. 10th edition - isn't that great! I will be publishing it soon!

Here, There, Elsewhere... and more said...

Now, I know Christmas is a long way off;
but, I just couldn't wait...

I'm in the midst of gift-wrapping an extremely early Christmas present for all my delightful favourite bloggers - and I really do like what you guys are doing out her -
it'll be ready this evening -
so, if you'd like to pop by my blog anytime after that,
you may pick it up and enjoy..!
Oh and feel free to share..:)

Glennis said...

Delightful children.

Hanukkah Gifts said...

look at the smiles at their faces...they are precious